Data Structure Definition

“Data structure is a method or technique to store the data into the memory in an orderly manner, so that it can be easily accessed and efficiently used.”

The data store into the memory in such a way that can be easily accessed and should be easy to understand. Data may be organized in many different ways. The logical or mathematical model of particular organization of data is called a DATA STUCTURE.

There are two types of data structure. These are :-
1.Linear Data Structure. 
 2.Non- Linear Data Structure

1. Linear data Structure:-
                     In the linear data structure data is arranged in sequence (in order). Data structure whose components are processed sequentially such as array, stack, linked list, queue.

2. Non- Linear data Structure :-
              In the non linear data structure data is not stored in sequence (in order).In this type lots of problems while access any information because the data is not store properly.


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