What are various steps for creating client side image map? Discuss all the attribute that can be used with area tag.

1.       Create an image map i.e. divides the image into various areas this is done using <MAP> and </MAP>. This tag takes an attribute name via which map can referenced in an html file, <map name = “name of the map”>. Within the <map></map> tag <AREA> tag is specified. This tag defines the specific region within the image. <AREA> tag takes certain attribute. These attribute are :
·        SHAPE : The shape of region can be one the rolling, rect, circle and polygon
·        COORDS(coordinate) :  Each shape takes different coordinates parameters
-Rect will take four coordinate x1, y1, x2 & y2
-Circle will take three coordinate x-axis, y-axis & radius
-Polygon will take three or more coordinate
·        HREF : It takes the name of html file i.e. linked to the particular area on the image.
·        NOHREF : This attribute is optional. It specifies that the specified region has no associated link
·        ALT : It is optional attribute and is used to provide alternative text for the specified region.
·        TARGET : It is used to specify in which linked frame or window the link will open.
·        TABINDEX : It is used to set thetab sequence of hyperlinks in a webpage. The value of TABINDEX attribute can range from 1 to 32767.
2.      This steps deals with applying the image map to a particular image for this purpose <IMG> tag takes an attribute called USEMAP that takes the name of the image map as a value and applies the maps specification to the respective image the value is always presided with # sign.

Discuss the frame and frameset tag with all its attribute also write html code to make the following frameset.
Frames are one of the most powerful concepts of HTML. Its main purpose is to divide the browser`s window into multiple rectangular regions with each containing a different HTML page such that each of them works independently. Each of these regions is called FRAME.
    Frames give us the ability to display multiple WebPages in a single browser window.  Like table each frame in a window may be separate from the others with a border but frames are not really like table. Unlike table each frame may contain different HTML documents which are indicated by its “URL”. Each frame provides a scroll bar or other controls to manipulate the size of the frame. The contents of one frame can be linked to the contents of the other.
  For Example :-
<head><title>Frameset Document</title></head>
<frameset Rows="20%,80%">
<frame name="n1" src="new1.html">
<frameset COLS="30%,70%">
<frame name="n2" src="f2.html">
<frameset Rows="60%,40%">
<frame name="n4" src="fi.html">
<frame name="n4" src="file3.html">


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