Difference between get and post method.

                Get method
            Post method
1. Sends the data by attaching it to the end of the URL of the Form.
1. Sends data through HTTP header without being seen in the URL..
2. It is the default method.
2. It order to use it, one has to explicitly specify it.
3. Not suitable for passing sensitive
Information as data can be seen from the URL.
3. As contents to be passed are not seen in the URL, so it suitable for sending sensitive information.
4. Not suitable for sending large amount of data.
4. Large amount of data can be passed.
5. It is not supportive for some foreign languages characters.
5. Supportive for data transmission in any language.
6. It requires only one contact with the web server as data comes along with the request.
6. It first makes a request and then transmits information, so it makes two contacts to the web server.
7. It is not suitable for fir updating a database and uploading a file.
7. It is suitable for updating a database.


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