What are the uses of JavaScript and write various features of JavaScript?

Uses of  JavaScript :-
1.       Swap images when the user rolls over an image or clicks the button
2.      Open new browser window
3.      Creating pop-up window
4.     Writing dynamic contents
5.      Perform form data validation
6.     Creating drop down menus
7.     Performing mathmatical calculation
8.     Check browser version. Screen resolution
9.     Alert message
10.  Creating games and animations
Features of JavaScript :-
1.       Script execute in JavaScript as they appear in html document.
2.      JavaScript is case senstive language, so uppercase and lowercase letter are distinct.
3.      JavaScript statement should end with semicolon.
4.     You can write multiple statement in a single line but each statement must be seperated by a semicolon.
5.      JavaScript is weekly typed language ae there is no need to specify the datatype of the variable.
6.     JavaScript is an interpreted language.
7.     Embeded within html.
8.     Graphical user interface.
It has procedural capabilities


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